Spiritual Orientation

Who is man? How is the world to be interpreted? Where is the God’s place in the modern vision of the world?

Two essentially incompatible, completely contradictory viewpoints, answer these fundamental questions with which mankind has always struggled.

The first worldview is the Christian. The Christian vision of man is rooted in Divine Revelation and in reason, and because of Divine Revelation finds its way to its true sources and heights and is reflected in Catholic teaching. Accordingly, man is created in God’s image, imago Dei, created by God who is love. The height of his humanity, as shown in the first book of the Bible, was lost by man’s own fault; original sin wounded man's God-given integrity. But God, who is love, takes his love to such an extreme that he sent his only son in order to miraculously restore man’s dignity. Jesus Christ, the author of life, He in whom everything was created before time began, is born of the Immaculate woman. He subordinated himself to the law and gave his life on the cross. Then, in unsurpassable dedication to mankind, he opened again the door to paradise.

In this Christian realist view of mankind - in view of his interconnected debt as well as his inalienable dignity as a child of God, in view of his need for redemption as well as the gift of salvation, found through only one Savior, Jesus Christ - opens up a vision of life, in which it is clear, that every life, even life in general, only in Christ the Redeemer, can find his abundance fullness creation according Creation conformable / appropriate wealth, and that furthermore, the Immaculate Virgin Mary, mother of the Redeemer, and free of original sin is indispensible to Christ’s work of salvation.

Throughout history, the Church has unfailingly presented its vision of life in a multitude of documents and doctrinal statements, which, presented ever anew, serve as signposts, according to its mandate, that only the truth, of which man is quite capable of, can make men free. Here, in the proclamation of the Magisterium, is the “principium et fundamentum”, which man, in all his desires and ontological orientations, will be truly just and which can be described as Christian humanism.

This compares to a concept that can be classified as inhumane humanism. Faith and Reason enlightened by faith play no role in this framework. Accordingly, the idea of freedom which tends toward the Christian view of the pre-administration and co-administration of the truth is re-interpreted. Freedom is now fully moved into the available area of man. Freedom, as they say, is only valid as emancipated. Emancipated means: Detached from any ontology or transcendence.
Man is thus only regarded in his earthly existence. Eternity, God, or even redemption become words that are either meaningless or are reinterpreted into mere worldly terms. This means it is valid to create eternity in the present. Man attempts play “God” and “save himself” and thereby succumbs to the temptation: “eritis sicut Deus”, ye shall be as God. The scientists, the doers/progressives (men of action), researchers, and the population controllers take the place of God. The creature is now being produced. Life is a logical consistency no longer sacrosanct, but an object that is to be manipulated when it does not fit in the framework of the new freedom ideology. Children, when they are inconvenient or “in the way” of their parents’ freedom, can now be legally aborted in the name of so-called "freedom of choice” (choice). Embryos are degraded with terms such as: “supernumerary embryo”, “research subjects”, etc.  Disabled unborn children fall victim to eugenic racism. The elderly are all the more often sent to a more speedy, cost efficient death, euphemistically called “death with dignity”. All this is done under the flag of philanthropy and prosperity, which actually broadly promotes social Darwinism, whereby weak and "those unworthy of life" are ruthlessly weeded out. Large international organizations, whether International Planned Parenthood Federation, Marie Stopes, UN departments or NGOs, backed by powerful and influential donors and corporations, implant the new agenda which always includes worldwide contraception and also exert massive control and massive pressure on countries which oppose this culture of death.

The result of the inhumane humanism: Destroyed souls and countries (especially the rich countries, where the anti-culture of death has wreaked havoc for decades), which are dying nations.

That said, the 5th His World Prayer Congress for Life (in Rome, the heart of Catholicism), wants to be a clear signs of the times, in that it will clearly identify the threats of the anti-culture of death, in order to then show more decisively the path of healing and salvation. Concretely praying and sacrificing, we make our way along this path to promoting the Culture of Life.

In continuation with the previous congresses in Fatima, Krakow, Lourdes and Wigratzbad, these days of Congress are therefore also a Spiritual Retreat. The individual steps of this path, which have been enlightened by the Holy Scripture itself and particularly by the prologue of John's Gospel:

1.   Tuesday – In principio

Any true reflection on life has to take Christ as its starting point. He is the beginning, the origin, the “logos”.  He is the light and life. He is the only one who has revealed the Father. (1 Jn. 1: 18)


2.   Wednesday – Lux

"For with you is the fountain of life, and in your light we see light", thus sings the psalmist (36.10). In His light, the provisions of man are, in fact, clarified. In the last century, the Catholic Magisterium has issued many position statements related to questions of marriage and family, sexuality, protection and dignity of human life, global human development, etc. The second day of the congress is devoted therefore to the fundamental perspectives of the Magisterium, in order to clearly and unambiguously explain the great perspective of the Catholic Church to the people.


3.   Thursday (Feast of the Holy Rosary) – Lux in tenebris

"I call heaven and earth today to witness against you: I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose life, then, that you and your descendants may live" is the clear statement in the Old Testament (Deuteronomy 30.19).


It is valid today to make this choice newly evident. What does it mean to choose the culture of life? What does it mean to choose the culture of death? The individual sections of this congress day show the beauty and brilliance of the Christian vision contrasted with the ugliness and destructive power of inhumane humanism. The lectures presented here illustrate this too: Despite the attractive violence and medial pomp of the anti-culture of death, the light shines in the darkness. And the Immaculate Virgin Mary is a pure reflection of that light.


4.   Friday – Verbum caro

This is the unfathomable mystery:  God becomes man. "In the Word made Flesh is already stated the dedication of the victim to the mystery of the Cross and the mystery of the coming Paschal sacrament" (Joseph Ratzinger / Pope Benedict).


The focus of this day - in addition to the presentations this morning, which deepen the thematic of Thursday - is a special Mass of Atonement which will take in the afternoon at St. Peter’s Basilica. At this Mass, we will have a symbolic handing-over ceremony whereby all congress participants will represent the various nations of the world and will offer up the guilt and sins of these nations (especially sins against life) and in this public act of renouncement, will bring these sins to the Foot of the Cross, where we triumphantly await that they are transformed by Christ’s Sacrifice on the Cross and will bring the whole world God’s forgiveness, salvation and new beginnings.


5.   Saturday – Gratia

The Truth, which shines in Christ, since Christ is the Truth, will not only be recognized, but also take action. Grace will bear fruit when man opens himself to the workings of grace and practices the works of mercy

Healing the wounds of abortion – this is today, at a time when abortion has become a nationally recognized “right”, one of the most urgent works of mercy.  How can this work be done concretely?  Speakers from different countries, who have actively worked for many years in Christian Post Abortion Healing Ministry, report from their experience and expertise.


6.   Sunday – Gloria

Vidimus gloriam eius-We have seen His glory. Jesus’ beloved disciple, the Evangelist John, begins the prologue to his Gospel with this joyful acclamation. It is the joy of one, who - in spite of difficult and hard pressing times - will not lose sight of the glory of the everlasting; he who rests his head on the chest of the Savior and who lives out of this abundance, can therefore communicate the fullness of life. Monsignor Reilly will testify in his speech that this abundance is in our midst, today, now.